• Modified on Sep 24, 2024

Is Kilimanjaro climbable in December? We occasionally get asked this question by our clients. Of course, December is a great time to climb Kilimanjaro. Although the brief rainy season starts in November and frequently lasts into December, this is still a popular period to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

December is summer in Tanzania, a country situated south of the Equator. It is nonetheless advised that hikers dress appropriately and be ready for a variety of weather situations, including bright, sunny days as well as rain, wind, cold, and even snow, even in the summer.
Mount Kilimanjaro, which rises 19,341 feet above sea level, is large enough to have its own weather systems. A distinctive feature of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is passing through five different temperature zones on route to the summit. There are distinct weather systems for each of those zones.

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a bucket-list adventure for many trekkers, offering an unforgettable journey to the highest peak in Africa. But when it comes to timing your ascent, December is a month that often raises questions. What is it like to climb Kilimanjaro in December? Is it a good time to go? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about climbing Kilimanjaro in December, including the weather conditions, what to expect on the trails, and how to prepare for a successful summit.

climb kilimanjaroo in december

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December temperatures on Kilimanjaro

As you ascend Mount Kilimanjaro, the temperature changes with the seasons and the various climate zones. Temperatures in the top zone are consistently well below freezing throughout the year, earning it the moniker "Arctic."

Average °C – 26      Average °F – 79      High °C – 32       High °F – 90       Low °C – 19       Low °F – 66

Why Choose December for Your Kilimanjaro Climb?

kilimanjaro in december

There are some benefits and difficulties to climbing Kilimanjaro in December. For many, it is the ideal time to visit Tanzania and experience its warm, tropical atmosphere before returning home to face the chill of winter. December is a great month for anyone wishing to combine their walk with a vacation or an unusual way to spend the holidays because it also happens to be the start of the holiday season.

  • Season of the Holidays: December provides an opportunity to enjoy the break from work. Families, couples, or lone travelers wishing to maximize their vacation time will find it to be an excellent time.
  • Festive Experience: How about spending Christmas or New Year's Eve on the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro? It would be a memorable and distinctive occasion.
  • Moderate Crowds: Although December is not the busiest month, you can still meet other hikers on the paths, which fosters a sense of community without being as crowded as it is during the busiest month.
  • Weather Variability: December can have erratic weather because it comes at the end of the brief wet season. It is crucial to be ready for both the cold and the rain.
  • Trail Conditions: Particularly in the rainforest area, routes can be muddy and treacherous depending on the weather. Having the right equipment is essential for a comfortable and safe ascent.

Beginners Guide to Climbing Kilimanjaro

Which seasons are best for climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?

The best periods to climb Mount Kilimanjaro are in the months of January through early March and late June through October. Brightness, wide views, and clear skies make for comfortable hiking conditions and great photo opportunities. Even though clouds and rain are more likely, June and December are still terrific times to go.

Kilimanjaro Weather in December: What to Expect

One of the most important things to think about while organizing a December Kilimanjaro climb is the weather. You can better prepare if you are aware of how the climate may affect your expedition.

December Weather Overview

December on Kilimanjaro signifies the start of the drier season (January to February) and the end of the short rainy season (November). Compared to other months, the weather is often colder but can also be more erratic.

  • Zone of Rainforest (6,000–9,200 feet): There may be sporadic downpours and some moisture on the lower slopes. Although the trails might be muddy and slippery, the rainforest is lush and verdant.
  • Zones of the Moorland and Alpine Deserts (9,200–16,500 feet): The temperature drops and becomes drier as you ascend. There could be gloomy sky and a sharp drop in temperature at night.
  • Arctic Zone (above 16,500 feet): There are severe winds, freezing temperatures, and unfavorable weather close to the peak. There is a chance of snowfall, making for an authentic winter climbing experience.

For more details, Read Mount Kilimanjaro Climate Zones

Pros and Cons of December Weather


  • Lower Temperatures: In the lower zones, trekking may be more comfortable during the day due to the cooler weather.
  • Snow-Capped Summit: Snow-capped summits on Kilimanjaro are common in December, adding to the mountain's breathtaking majesty.


  • Unpredictable Rain: December can still see rain, especially in the rainforest area, even if it will not be as rainy as November. This may increase the difficulty of the trek's initial sections. Click here to Learn about Difficulty on Kilimanjaro Climbing
  • Chilly Nights: Be ready for chilly evenings, particularly in higher elevations. To be warm, you need to wear the right clothes and sleepwear.

Preparing for a December Kilimanjaro Climb

Climbing Kilimanjaro in December requires careful planning and preparation. Here’s what you need to consider to ensure you’re ready for the challenges and rewards of a December ascent.

Packing the Right Gear

Having the appropriate clothes is essential because December weather can be unpredictable. Below is a list of necessities:

  • Shirts with layers: Pack insulating mid-layers, moisture-wicking base layers, and an outer layer that is waterproof. You can adapt to shifting temperatures by layering.
  • Water-Resistant Equipment: It is essential to have a high-quality waterproof jacket and pants in the rainforest zone in order to stay dry.
  • Cold-Weather Equipment: Bring insulated boots, a warm hat, thermal base layers, a down jacket, gloves, and a warm hat for the summit.
  • Robust Footwear: For negotiating muddy routes and uneven terrain, waterproof hiking boots with adequate ankle support are a must.
  • Sleeping Bag: For chilly nights at higher altitudes, a sleeping bag rated for below-freezing temperatures is required.
  • Trekking poles: Particularly in the lower zones, these might aid with balance on slick or uneven terrain.

Physical Preparation

Climbing Kilimanjaro is a physically demanding endeavor, regardless of the time of year. To prepare for a December climb:

  • Cardio Training: Focus on cardiovascular fitness with activities like hiking, running, or cycling to build endurance.
  • Strength Training: Strengthen your legs with exercises like squats, lunges, and step-ups. Core strength is also important for stability.
  • Hiking Practice: If possible, go on practice hikes with a loaded backpack to simulate the conditions you’ll face on Kilimanjaro.
  • Altitude Preparation: If you have access to high-altitude training, it can help your body adapt to the lower oxygen levels you’ll encounter on the mountain.

Choosing the Right Route

Your experience climbing Kilimanjaro in December can be greatly influenced by the route you go on. Certain routes are more appropriate for the normal December weather:

  • Machame Route: The Machame Route is a well-liked option because of its excellent acclimatization profile and stunning landscape. But be ready for perhaps muddy conditions in the jungle area.
  • Lemosho Route: This Lemosho Route is lengthier, less crowded hike is great for acclimatization and offers breathtaking views. For those looking for a more gradual approach, it is a suitable option.
  • Rongai Route: This route begins on Kilimanjaro's drier northern flank and is less impacted by rain, making it a more tranquil experience. It is a fantastic choice for climbs in December.
  • Marangu Route: Marangu Route, also referred to as the "Coca-Cola" route, is the only route that offers hut lodging. It is shorter, but it gives you less time to become used to it.

What to Expect During a December Climb

Understanding what to expect on the trail in December will help you mentally and physically prepare for the climb.

Trail Conditions

In December, trail conditions can vary significantly depending on the weather. In the rainforest zone, expect muddy and possibly slippery trails. Higher up, the terrain becomes rocky, and you may encounter snow near the summit.

  • Rainforest Zone: Be prepared for wet and muddy trails. Trekking poles and waterproof boots are essential.
  • Moorland and Alpine Desert Zones: These zones are generally drier, but can still be cold and windy. The trails here are rocky and uneven.
  • Arctic Zone: Near the summit, you’ll likely encounter snow and ice. The final ascent can be steep and challenging, requiring determination and focus.


Summit Night

Summit night is the most challenging part of the Kilimanjaro climb, and December is no exception. You’ll start your ascent around midnight, trekking in the dark with freezing temperatures and possibly strong winds.

  • Temperature: Temperatures can drop well below freezing, so it’s important to be fully equipped with warm clothing and gear.
  • Pace: Summit night requires a slow and steady pace. "Pole pole" (slowly, slowly) is the mantra on Kilimanjaro to conserve energy and reduce the risk of altitude sickness.
  • Mental Toughness: The combination of cold, fatigue, and altitude makes summit night mentally challenging. Staying positive and focused on your goal is key to reaching the top.

Reaching the Summit: A Unique Experience

Climbing Kilimanjaro in December offers a unique summit experience. The sunrise over the snow-capped peaks, the clear skies, and the sense of accomplishment are unforgettable. The summit may be cold and windy, but the views and the thrill of reaching the top of Africa make it all worthwhile.

Ready to Conquer Kilimanjaro? Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with Footprint Adventure as your trusted guide. Start Your Journey Today!

Safety Considerations for December Climbs

Safety should always be a top priority when climbing Kilimanjaro, especially in December when weather conditions can be more unpredictable.

Dealing with Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is a common challenge on Kilimanjaro. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, and dizziness. To minimize the risk:

  • Acclimatize Slowly: Choose a route that allows for gradual acclimatization. Longer routes like Lemosho and Machame are ideal.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the climb to stay hydrated.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you experience symptoms of altitude sickness, inform your guide immediately. Descending to a lower altitude may be necessary.

Weather-Related Risks

December’s weather can pose additional risks, such as hypothermia and frostbite. To stay safe:

  • Dress Appropriately: Wear layered clothing to adjust to changing temperatures and ensure you have adequate protection from the cold.
  • Monitor Conditions: Pay attention to weather updates from your guide. If conditions become too dangerous, it may be necessary to adjust your plans.

Hiring a Expert Guide

A reputable guide is crucial for a safe and successful climb. They’ll monitor your health, manage the pace, and make important decisions regarding the weather and trail conditions. Choose a guide or trekking company with a good track record and experience in leading climbs in December.

The Unique Joys of Climbing Kilimanjaro in December

Despite the challenges, climbing Kilimanjaro in December offers unique joys and rewards that make it a memorable experience.

A Festive Atmosphere

Climbing during the holiday season adds a festive atmosphere to your trek. Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, or New Year's Eve, you can bring a little holiday spirit to the mountain. Many trekkers bring small decorations or special treats to share with their group, creating a sense of camaraderie and celebration.

Fewer Crowds

There will not be as many people on the mountain in December because it is not the busiest month for trekking. This translates to a calmer and more pleasant experience that will let you fully appreciate Kilimanjaro's natural splendor.

A Winter Wonderland

If you are lucky, snow may fall toward the top of Kilimanjaro, converting the mountain into a mystical winter paradise. The white snow's striking contrast with the blue sky and the surrounding peaks offers a unique perspective of the mountain.

Summing Up

A unique and fulfilling experience, climbing Kilimanjaro in December offers a mix of thrills and challenges that make it quite distinctive. A unique adventure awaits those who have the chance to ascend Africa's highest peak over the holiday season, despite the unpredictable weather and challenging conditions.

Kilimanjaro's breathtaking splendor may be experienced together with the trials of a December climb if you have the necessary preparation, equipment, and attitude. December is an excellent time to fulfill your ambition of climbing Kilimanjaro, whether your goal is to have a festive adventure, a more sedate trek, or the opportunity to witness Kilimanjaro in its winter splendor.


Is December a good time to climb Kilimanjaro?

Yes, December is a good time to climb Kilimanjaro, offering cooler temperatures and the chance to experience a festive holiday adventure. However, be prepared for some rain and colder conditions near the summit.

How cold is it on Kilimanjaro in December?

Kilimanjaro experiences a wide range of temperatures in December, from below freezing (-20°C or -4°F) near the summit, particularly at night, to about 20–25°C (68–77°F) at the base.

What is the weather like on Kilimanjaro in December?

Kilimanjaro's weather in December is erratic and typically colder. Rain is expected in the lower zones, while cold, windy weather with a chance of snow at the peak is expected at higher elevations.

What should I pack for climbing Kilimanjaro in December?

Pack layered clothes, waterproof gear, insulated boots, a warm sleeping bag, and trekking poles for a December climb. Be ready for a variety of weather scenarios, including freezing temperatures and rain. 


