Footprint Adventure, a leading tour operator in Nepal, understands that transparency and trust are paramount for a successful trek. While we focus on creating unforgettable experiences, ensuring safety and well-being is our top priority. This page sheds light on esteemed organizations Footprint Adventure is affiliated with. These affiliations stand as a testament to our commitment to upholding the highest standards in Nepal’s tourism industry. 


Nepal Tourism Ministry Certified: Footprint Adventure is a certified operator by the Nepal Tourism Ministry. Their commitment to responsible tourism practices aligns perfectly with the Ministry's goal. This certification ensures adherence to safety regulations, environmental sustainability initiatives, and the promotion of Nepal's rich cultural heritage. By choosing Footprint Adventure, you can be confident you're supporting a reputable company dedicated to a positive impact on Nepal's Tourism Industry. 

Nepal tourism board 

Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) Affiliation: Affiliation with NTB confirms that Footprint Adventure is a legitimate company operating within Nepal’s legal framework. NTB registration ensures they comply with tourism regulations, including safety standards, environmental practices, and fair labor policies. 


Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN): Footprint Adventure's commitment to ethical practices suggests they might be a member of TAAN. This prestigious association upholds high standards for trekking companies in Nepal, ensuring safety, quality, and responsible tourism practices.

nepal mountaineering association    

Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) Affiliation: NMA membership suggests Footprint Adventure has access to a pool of qualified mountaineering guides, especially for crucial high-altitude treks like climbing expeditions. NMA guides undergo rigorous training and possess the necessary expertise to navigate challenging terrains and ensure safety in the mountains. 

nepal rashtra bank

Nepal Rashtriya Bank (NRB) Certification:  Footprint Adventure partners with a currency exchange service that is NRB- certified ensuring secure and transparent foreign exchange transactions for the clients. 


Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Affiliation: Being a part of PATA signifies Footprint Adventure’s commitment to responsible tourism practices within the broader Asia-Pacific region. PATA advocates for sustainable tourism that benefits local communities, protects the environment and preserves cultural heritage. The affiliation indicates Footprint Adventure is likely conscious of its impact and strikes to minimize negative consequences on Nepal’s delicate ecosystems and traditions. 

CO2 Neutral Website

CO2 Neutral Certification: This suggests that Footprint Adventure is committed to sustainable practices. This aligns with a growing trend in ecotourism, which emphasizes responsible travel that benefits local communities and minimizes environmental impact.


Tripadvisor: While not an official affiliation, positive reviews on TripAdvisor are valuable social proof. They provide insights from past travelers about their experiences with Footprint Adventure's tours, guides, and overall service quality. A strong track record on TripAdvisor can give you greater confidence in choosing us for your trip.


Travel Stride: Affiliation with Travelstride, a travel booking platform, suggests Footprint Adventure offers its services through a reputable marketplace. Travelstride likely has its vetting process for partner companies, so the inclusion adds another layer of credibility.